Category Archives: Cacao

One Cunning Cacao Specialist

 One Cunning Cacao Specialist and a friend‬  Peter Paul Cruz  added approximately (more or less than) 8 ml FullOn‬ by Grow Switch on his ‎regular regimen‬ and Boom! ‪#‎PlantsGoneCrazy‬

DSC_8534Approximately 50-60 pods will mature in this single tree with so many flowers, according to their data. However, this run gotten too far, that it did hit more than a hundred pods, to be exact, 140-160 pods per tree.

One Cunning Cacao Specialist
This one is just starting to bloom

Most of the trees are just starting to bloom and the other dominant one is already in FullOn blast!

DSC_8529 One Cunning Cacao Specialist DavaoPonicsThis is the one of the many reason why the juice is awesome. It’s because it really works, and all growers, farmers and even enthusiast was convinced that all the claims are true.

FullOn - DavaoPonics
blast mode
One Cunning Cacao Specialist
The Magic Juice Effect

“One Cunning Cacao Specialist”

One Cunning Cacao Specialist
Big credits to Peter Paul Cruz for this one hell of job. #TeamFullOn

This one is at FullOn blast mode.