FullOn by GrowSwitch did it again, and again and again!
Results showed that the growth and yield of pechay were significantly affected by Full On Liquid Fertilizer (FOLF) in terms of plant height, fresh weight, dry weight and yields. However, the leaf length and width, number of leaves and root length were not significantly affected.

This Fresh harvested Pechay as influenced by Full On Liquid Fertilizer (FOLF) at 30 days after transplanting. T1 = control; T2 = RR of inorganic NPK fertilizer based on soil analysis; T3 = 0.5 rr of FULL ON LIQUID FERTILIZER (FOLF); T4 = 0.5 RR of inorganic NPK + rr of FULL ON LIQUID FERTILIZER (FOLF); T5 = rr of FULL ON LIQUID FERTILIZER (FOLF); and T6 = RR of inorganic NPK + rr of FULL ON LIQUID FERTILIZER (FOLF).

Dried Pechay as influenced by Full On Liquid Fertilizer (FOLF) at 30 days after transplanting. T1 = control; T2 = RR of inorganic NPK fertilizer based on soil analysis; T3 = 0.5 rr of FULL ON LIQUID FERTILIZER (FOLF); T4 = 0.5 RR of inorganic NPK + rr of FULL ON LIQUID FERTILIZER (FOLF); T5 = rr of FULL ON LIQUID FERTILIZER
(FOLF); and T6 = RR of inorganic NPK + rr of FULL ON LIQUID FERTILIZER (FOLF).
Study indicated that T6 = RR of inorganic NPK + rr of FULL ON LIQUID FERTILIZER and T4 = 0.5 RR of inorganic NPK + rr of FULL ON LIQUID FERTILIZER increased the plant height of pechay by up to 29% compared to control at 30DAT (Days after transplant). It was further confirmed that T4 = 0.5 RR of inorganic NPK + rr of FULL ON LIQUID FERTILIZER had the highest pechay fresh weight up to 13% higher, dry weight up to 3 times higher and yields up to 4 times higher than the control at 30DAT. It was comparable to the rest of the treatments except for the control. This implies that application of FullOn by GrowSwitch can reduce the recommended NPK fertilizer application into half to achieve higher weight and yields of pechay.
Note: FullOn is a nutrient additive, and it can do its job alone(stand alone NPK), however we recommend to used it with or combined it with other input(s), such as NPK’s (foliar or basal) or any other nutrient additives that’s needed for optimum yield.
Disclaimer: In order to achieve the best test result possible, trials/experiments can be re-design in a more test efficient way, like having a buffer plots next to the test plots, to make sure that the plots next to the other can’t be compromised when applying the input(s) that are being tested, especially when using foliar application. Basal application can also compromised the result of the trial especially during rainy season, because in sites like this, nutrients from the neighboring plots can leached into the next plots. In layman’s term, the result of this trial can’t be consider 100% accurate.
To check the whole content of this trial, please click here: FullOn Terminal Report
For more detail about FullOn please visit: www.growswitch.com